Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thank You For Hot Drinks

Apperently, this month is gratitude month. My awesome sister-in-law, Ange, reminded me of this. She is like a super hero who saves the day. Somebody get her a cape please. So, as I was driving/sleeping into work today, I realized how thankful I was for hot drinks. Tea is my most favorite beverage of all time. One can drink it cold on warm days or drink it hot on cold days. There are many differant ways in consuming this soothing liquid. As a symbol of my gratitude for tea, I will compose a poem...right now.

It makes me happy when I'm sad
It helps forgive when I'm mad
It warms me up when I freeze
And on top of ice attracts bee's
It's caffine cooks in my veins
it keeps me grounded and sane
It's nice to have when I arise from my nap
But really really sucks if you spill it in your lap
The end
The end

Basically, I like tea.

Can I get an Amen?